Showit Template Customization for Therapy Consultant

May 10, 2022

I provided a Showit Template Customization for a Therapy Practice which included a lot of custom designed pages. Before Jennifer reached out to me she had a lot of copy already for her new Showit website. She had purchased the Paper Plane Template from the Tonic Site Shop, and was switching platforms from Wix.

If you would like to hear more about the difference between Showit and Wix, check this blog post that goes through my experience with the two platforms.

The Tonic Site Shop Template

The template she purchased had a lot of features that we kept including the color scheme and the fonts. The general layout of the template worked well, but based on the number of services Jennifer had I knew we would have to create some custom pages. In any of my projects that include a template, I try to keep the design integrity of the template but still add a little of my own design flair.

After seeing Jennifer’s copy and taking a look at what she had done so far, I decided to re-work the template by adding some custom pages in order to create a better flow throughout her site. Having a designer be able to add special touches and additional pages to a template can really enhance the website.

Designing Each Showit Services Page

Since there were so many pages within this project, I used a lot of different canvas’ that were already existing or canvas’ that I custom designed in order to layout each individual service page. This helped me design the pages in an efficient way, and it also allowed me to keep the design elements consistent throughout the site. One thing I really tried to focus on was making sure each service page had a different hero image. The hero image is the very first image that is seen when someone visits a page.

Showit Template Customization of a Tonic Site Shop Template

A Showit template and a Showit website designer is the perfect combination for a well-designed, high converting website. A template can be changed as much or as little as you want it. Although you can absolutely update a Showit template on your own, when you use a designer it can really help bring in some custom aspects that really make the template feel likeĀ your brand.

Comparing a Showit template to a finished customized website

The original Paper Plane Tonic Site Shop Home Page on the left, compared to the customized version on the right.

Image Curation for a Tonic Site Shop Template Customization

Jennifer also needed help curating images for her site. I sourced all of the images and video from I made sure to keep the similar tone of the website focusing on natural looking elements, as well as browns and tans.

A before and after image showing a Showit template customization of the Paper Plane Showit Template.

The original Work With Us page from the Tonic Site Shop Template compared to the template customization from me on the right.

A Custom FAQ Page

One ‘extra’ page we created was a FAQ page. This page was very important to a practice like Jennifer’s, so it was necessary to add this into our Showit Template Customization. I used canvas views to give the opening and closing of the answers to each question.

A live view of opening and closing answers on a custom designed FAQ page in Showit

Kind Words from Jennifer

“My very favorite part about working with you is how you communicated every step of the way. Each update was thorough. You were specific in the progress and what you needed from me. And, you were patient with me. I believe you shine in this area!

Stacey is amazing! She took my copy and made it shine. I was so overwhelmed trying to do this myself and she completely made this easy. She curated the right pictures to communicate the warmth of my practice. The text was designed so it flowed. She made the site beautiful. Everyone who sees it raves. I just can’t say enough about well she guided the project to completion. I will definitely go back to her for future needs.

I love the Loom videos. I think the video increased the personal connection. We never talked personally, but I feel like I know you from the video interaction.”

Interested in getting a refresh of your own Showit website? Send me a message!

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You're here for a reason - whether you have a template and you're ready to start, or you haven't picked one out know it is time. Let's chat, see if we are a perfect match, and get started on customizing your site and launching it sooner rather than later!

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