Outsourcing for Photographers: Hiring A Website Designer

October 9, 2024

Marissa is a brand photographer and studio owner of Evermore Place in Gray, Maine that decided to outsource in her photography business. Within the last year, her photography business has taken off and she just recently went full-time. She is always looking for ways to grow her photography business – through freebies, a shop, her studio, in-person events, and more. It takes a lot behind the scenes in order to make all of these things happen…all while actually being a brand photographer, keeping up with clients, photo editing, showing up on social media, and more. This is why outsourcing the Showit website tasks has been key in the continued growth of Marissa’s photography business.

“It was easy for me to realize I did not have the time in my business to keep up and utilize my website to it’s full potential with the million other tasks in my business. I knew I wanted my website to not be a stagnant resource but something that grew and evolved with my business but I honestly couldn’t keep up with that at this moment and I knew Stacey would execute any and all tasks I thought of flawlessly, which she has. Outsourcing can feel scary at times and be an investment, but this is one I’ve never questioned for a second!”

Outsourcing for a Photographer: Showit Monthly Subscription

Marissa booked my Showit Monthly Subscription service, which gives her 2 hours every month that she can use towards any Showit website tasks. We keep our thoughts listed in a Google Doc so we can pull from it whenever we need to. We chat at the beginning of the month about what outsourced tasks are the priority for the next month. This typically turns into voice memos talking out the strategy and the best way to use our allotted time. This was one of Marissa’s favorite parts about working together.

“My favorite part about working together has been that Stacey has willingly offered her expertise beyond just following the tasks that I requested. I’d have an idea, not a fully formed one, and she’d talk it through with me to help make sure that what we created on my website was truly supportive to my goals. She never opted for the “easy route” and always exceeded my expectations on all the tasks I provided her. Not to mention, she’s EXTREMELY prompt which I really appreciated!”

Accomplished Tasks Because Of Outsourcing as a Photographer

This is just a small list of everything that Marissa has accomplished by outsourcing her Showit updates for her photography business in the last few months:

Outsource Photography Website Brand Updates

Marissa invested in new branding to give her photography business a cohesive look and feel. I went in and gave her a head start by implementing the brand colors and fonts on her website.

“Stacey was able to help me completely refresh my website with entirely new branding in less than a month’s time, something that would have easily taken me several months to get to. With her taking the reigns on refreshing my entire website’s branding, I was able to properly execute launching the exciting news in an intentional way and in a much more timely manner!

Marissa’s original site is on the left – which I designed a few years ago! The site on the right is updated with Marissa’s new branding done by Karima Creative.

Outsourcing Landing Page Set-Up for Special Event

Marissa also owns Evermore Place, which is a photography studio that can be rented to other photographers in Gray, Maine. Marissa was offering a holiday setup for photographers to book mini-sessions, business owners to use it for content creation, and more. She needed a new landing page for this offer as well as a fun pop-up to be put on the home page to promote it.

“Stacey is extremely responsive via email and never makes me feel like my emails or ideas, as I’m thinking through a project, are annoying. Instead, she supports me fully through them and it’s so clear she wants my business to succeed! I swear she works faster than the speed of light but also never makes me feel silly for how tech illiterate I can be at times!”

Update Home Page Header to Video

Marissa’s photography brand is bubbly and fun. You instantly feel a connection to Marissa on social media, and a video background as the header on her home page was the perfect addition. I was able to chat with Marissa about the requirements needed for the video background in Showit, and re-design the header to make it perfect.

“The work Stacey has done on my website honestly wouldn’t have been done yet it if was fully in my hands because there’s been so many other aspects of my business I’ve been working on that have needed me more. However, having a website that keeps up with me as a business owner elevates my business to a new level – one that’s always been a goal of mine!”

More Than Just Outsourcing

To me, this monthly service is more than just a photographer outsourcing website tasks. It’s about truly investing in another business. A lot of the time we end up talking strategy and the best way to use my dedicated two hours.

“I’m currently planning a large launch for November and Stacey’s help in these beginning stages with how to best utilize my website to market, promote, and launch has been huge and it’s only the beginning. She’s been able to inform me about features I didn’t know existed that I know will increase the success of my marketing efforts and therefore my launch!”

Monthly Recaps

At the end of every month I always provide a recap of what we accomplished throughout the month. I feel like this is so important so we can see everything we have done on the site and how long it took. It is easy to get in the month and complete tasks without realizing exactly how much we have done.

The end of month recap also includes links to our Google Doc so we can add on tasks for the next month. It also has future out of office dates that I have planned, so Marissa is always aware of times when I’m unavailable.

“Stacey is so organized and efficient, it blows my mind sometimes! At the end of each month, she sends a personalized summary of what you’ve accomplished over the month together. Not only is this helpful to stay organized, it gives you a chance to feel really proud as a business owner. Outsourcing can feel scary at times and be an investment, but this is one I’ve never questioned for a second!

Why Outsource as a Photographer?

If you update your website regularly, it positively impacts your SEO. As a photographer, updating your website may not be at the top of your list, but having someone help keep it updated for you will only benefit you…especially in the eyes of Google. As a photographer, Marissa knew outsourcing would be key in supporting the growth of her business.

“Hiring Stacey on a month basis has proven to me the power of outsourcing. My business has been growing and evolving rapidly in the last several months and the only way my website has been able to keep up has been because of Stacey. But not only has she completed the tasks I’ve requested in an extremely timely manner, she has provided insight and expertise above and beyond what I could have imagined.”

Outsource Your Website Tasks

If you are a photographer looking to outsource, having someone update your Showit website can be a super easy task to start with! My monthly Showit service for photographers is ideal if you are:

  • A visionary. You know what you want, but might not know (or have the time) to execute it on your own website.
  • You want to grow your business. Your photography side is set and on autopilot, but you want more. Perhaps it’s time to add products and freebies, and you need help on the website side of things to get it all done.
  • You want to strengthen your online presence. A website is most likely the first place people go to view your photography work. Is it up to date?

If you are ready to talk about outsourcing your website tasks, send me a message and we can chat! You can feel exactly like Marissa:

“It is so clear that Stacey is invested in helping make sure your website is not just “pretty,” but that’s it’s effective, strategic, and unique. One of my favorite parts about working with Stacey is that she’s genuinely cheering for you and your business. Hiring Stacey has been one of the best decisions in my business and has absolutely helped it grow at the rate that is has.”

my design services

You're here for a reason - whether you have a template and you're ready to start, or you haven't picked one out yet...you know it is time. Let's chat, see if we are a perfect match, and get started on customizing your site and launching it sooner rather than later!

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