If you have a contact form on your website, you need policies to protect yourself. Don't think "it won't happen to me".
Do I need a privacy statement on my website?
How do I write a privacy policy for my website?
Should I add cookies to my website?
Do I need a cookie policy on my website?
You know the answer answer is yes. But you have no idea where to start. Let me help you...the easy way.
From contact forms to connecting Google Analytics on your website, if you have a website you are most likely collecting data from your visitors. I've partnered with Termageddon to keep my clients compliant.
Includes a set of policies (Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Disclaimer, Cookie Consent, and more)
Full access to your policies in your own account
Automatic updates when new laws go into effect, policies are updated, or when new disclosures are released
Follow me on @coffeeandflowcreative