That's me! I'm Stacey.

work with me

It's time to stop Googling and get those website updates done.

An intuitive Showit Designer that just gets what you need.

You may have a few things that need updating, or maybe you need a full Showit website design - either way when we work together I promise to leave you with a Showit website that you are proud of. I can help guide the 'I think I want it this way' and teach what I did and how I did it through video tutorials. I'm excited for the opportunity  to learn about your business, and get that Showit to-do list checked off!



Showit Design Services


Custom Showit Website

Choose this service for:
- You have seen some websites you love, but nothing that really pulls it all together.

Think of this service as...the best way to get everything you want in a website for your business.

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Showit Template Customization

Choose this service for:
- You purchased a Showit template from a Showit designer and you need help customizing it

Think of this service as...a one stop shop to converting a template to your brand quickly from start to finish.

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Showit Design Assistance

Choose this service for:
- Creating a new opt-in pop-up
- A new look to just a few sections of your site
- Mobile optimization for your Showit site

Think of this service have a few smaller things that need to be done, and need some quick help.

learn more

Hey there

Showit Designers...

Feelin' that fully-booked, overworked, no time for coffee break vibes?

You started your business for more time...not to be working at all hours or spending your time copying and pasting things. Whether you need help getting the info into a template, resizing images, or mobile optimization...I'm your girl! Check out how I work and see if we would be a great match for each other.


my portfolio

Show-it Off

(see what I did there?)


"My very favorite part about working with you is how you communicated every step of the way.  I love the loom videos. I think the video increased the personal connection. We never talked personally, but I feel like I know you from the video interaction."

- Jennifer Caudle, Willow Mark Therapy

"Stacey is an excellent communicator. She responded to my (many!) questions, made great suggestions, and included a video that will help me maintain my website. Stacey exceeded my expectations and I would definitely recommend working with her!"

- Laura Gossett, Interior Designer

Stacey | Showit Designer

Laid-back, let's get it done, efficient designer

I’m definitely not a “hop on a call” type person but I am 100% a send a video type person! I LOVE sending videos of me talking through every step of a process, showing you and guiding you. We will work together to make sure your Showit updates are done efficiently!


"Working with Stacey was such a joy! She expertly knew exactly how to implement every element in my website to create a beautiful experience for potential clients visiting my site. Effortlessly orchestrating photos, copy, templates, and best UX/ UI principles together. Thanks to Stacey I was able to enjoy a vacation in Florida while my website was receiving a much-needed update."

Danielle Cook, Copywriter

Ok...let's do this!

You know you are ready. Enough researching, no more Googling, and absolutely no more early mornings and late nights trying to figure this thing out.